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Rafael Lovato Jr. Cross Choke from Mount

Embracing Routine: The Key To Success In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (And Beyond)

advice lifestyle mindset tips training Dec 18, 2023

In the pursuit of excellence, particularly in areas such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the concept of sacrifice takes on a unique form...
It's not just about what you give up, but also about what you choose to do consistently - such as embracing a life governed by routine.

Now, while the word "routine" might for some be synonymous with "being boooring", it's actually a cornerstone of achieving greatness.
Why? Because the journey to becoming your best self in any field, especially those requiring skill acquisition like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, demands a steadfast commitment to routine.

This isn't about leading a dull life; it's about creating a structure that allows for focused and uninterrupted skill development.
In other words, the path to mastering any skill is paved with consistent, routine practice. Life's unpredictable swings and chaos can hinder this process, making a structured, routine-based lifestyle essential.

So, for those dedicated to honing their skills, routine is not a "dirty word", but a beacon guiding them towards their goals.
It's the disciplined repetition and unwavering focus on skill development that sets apart the truly dedicated from the rest.

In essence, a life dominated by routine is not a limitation, but a strategic choice towards achieving greatness in any skill-based endeavor.

Ultimately, therefore, routine becomes more than just a daily schedule - it transforms into a philosophy of life. It's about prioritizing your goals and aligning your daily actions to support them.
Whether it's in the arts, sciences, sports, or any professional field, the principle remains the same.

So whatever it is that you're set out to do - be it on the mats or off them - start getting that daily schedule and your philosophy of life in check.
Your future self will thank you for it.


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