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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Isn't Easy, But...

advice lifestyle mindset tips training Dec 25, 2023

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is, in a way, a path – that many embark on, but only a few persist with.
That path, that journey through BJJ is not just about learning techniques either. It's also about discovering oneself, facing challenges, and growing beyond them.

And, as we think about the various training partners who gave up along the way, a common theme emerges: they drop out because BJJ is far from easy. It's a tough journey, often filled with challenging training sessions and the constant need for mental agility.
However, despite these challenges, BJJ is more than well worth it.

For instance, one of the most significant aspects of BJJ is the sense of accomplishment.
From mastering a new technique to earning a belt promotion, every success is a testament to your dedication and hard work – habits that you build every time you step on the mats.

Another key reason why BJJ is so great is the community. The bonds formed on the mats are often long-lasting, with training partners becoming something akin to a second family – offering support, encouragement, and advice.
What's more, this social aspect of BJJ is often what keeps practitioners coming back, even when training itself is too difficult (physically and/or mentally).

Additionally, Jiu-Jitsu offers a unique form of self-expression. Each practitioner brings their own style and creativity to the mat, making BJJ not just a sport or a martial art – but an art form in itself.
This creative outlet feels very liberating, allowing you to express yourself in ways that might not have been possible otherwise.

Therefore, despite the high dropout rate, those of us who stick with BJJ find that it transforms our lives in profound ways.
The discipline, focus, and perseverance learned on the mats become invaluable tools in navigating the complexities of everyday life.

So... Let's stick to it.

P.S. And while you're at it, take advantage of the 30% sale on all of Rafael Lovato Jr.'s most popular courses and instructionals!

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